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Istanbul: Conversations on Life, Knowledge, and Belief
Nov 4, 2013

November 4-10, 2013 / Istanbul, Turkey

The Fountain organized a three-day conference in Istanbul featuring scholars and academics from diverse disciplines to convene and discuss some philosophical themes The Fountain covers. Aspiring to be a platform for peaceful exchange of ideas, invigorating discussions on the big questions of life, and to generate more of those questions, The Fountain invited 12 international speakers and a dozen intellectuals from within Turkey to participate in this conference. The Fountain, now distributed and read worldwide, has its origins in Turkey which started as an offshoot of global initiatives by renowned Turkish scholar Fethullah Gülen and the Hizmet Movement that grew out of his inspiring ideas.

The themes that were covered in this conference were as follows:

  • Fethullah Gülen and The Fountain Worldview
  • Cross-cultural Dialogue, Media, Pluralism, Spirituality
  • Scientific Thought, Faith, and Philosophy
