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Kafka's Metamorphosis and Human Connection

Social media tells us we’re getting more interaction than ever – making more friends, learning more, and producing more.
| Vaidehi Bhardwaj | Issue 161 (Sep - Oct 2024)

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Kafka's Metamorphosis and Human Connection

In This Article

  • We disregard the small moments of human connection and kindness that were previously mainstays of daily existence – whether it be chatting with a neighbor, exchanging pleasantries with a cashier, or even thanking a store worker that helped you find what you were looking for.
  • Social media has begun wiping out even the more prominent “social” scene – instead of meeting with a friend in person, or hearing their voice over the phone, you can just text them.

Amazon Fresh, Uber Eats, Grubhub, Doordash, Instacart, self-checkouts and social media. In today’s world, living without an iota of real interaction with anyone else is becoming the norm. With new trends like remote work and ongoing fears about large gatherings still prevalent in many parts of the world, the pandemic has only exacerbated this isolation. I recently reread Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis, and the similarities between Gregor Samsa’s life and modern life are uncanny. After his transformation into an Ungeziefer (monstrous insect), Gregor is confined to his room – his sister bri...

Come back next month to read the full article!

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