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Reflections On The Existence And Unity Of The Creator
Oct 1, 1997

'In the creation of the heavens and the earth; in the alternation of night and day; in the sailing of the ships through the ocean for the benefit of mankind; in the water which God sends down from the sky and with which He revives the earth after its death, and dispersing over it all kinds of beasts; in the ordinance of the winds and clouds that are driven between earth and sky: are signs for people who have sense.' (al-Baqara, 2.164)

This verse, which demonstrates the necessary existence of God and His Unity, is an extremely large window through which one of God's Greatest Names is seen.

The following is what the verse means in brief.

All of the worlds situated at the higher and lower levels of the universe point to the same result in different tongues: it is the Lordship of a single Wise Maker.

Just as the well-organized and systematic movements in the heavens ending in great results demonstrate the existence and Unity of a Majestic All-Powerful One and the perfection of His Lordship, so also the tremendous changes on the earth such as those witnessed in seasons, resulting in great, comprehensive benefits, show the necessity of that Majestic All-Powerful One's Unity and the perfection of His Lordship.

All the animals on land and sea are fed through perfect mercy, and given various forms with perfect wisdom, and they are equipped with multi-form senses and faculties with perfect Lordship. As each testifies to the existence of that Majestic All-Powerful One and points to His Unity, so also as a whole they demonstrate on a large scale the grandeur of His Divinity and the perfection of His Lordship.

Similarly, the well-formed plants in gardens and orchards and the ornate flowers they produce, and the well-proportioned fruits replacing the flowers and the rich embellishments the fruits display, all bear witness to the existence of that All-Wise Maker and point to His Unity individually, and they show in a splendid way the grace of His Mercy and the perfection of His Lordship collectively.

Again, just as the drops sent from the atmosphere and charged with important purposes, necessary consequences and benefits, demonstrate to their number the necessary existence of that All-Wise Maker and His Unity and the perfection of His Lordship, so also all the mountains on the earth and the various minerals deposited in them for various purposes show, as firmly as the mountains, the existence and Unity of that Wise Maker and the perfection of His Lordship.

Also, just as the various, beautiful flowers decorating hills and plains individually attest the necessary existence of an All-Wise Maker and point to His Unity and collectively show the majesty of His Sovereignty and the perfection of His Lordship, so too, the well-proportioned shapes and positions of the leaves on trees and herbs and their rapturous, systematic movements demonstrate to their number the necessary existence and Unity of that All-Wise Maker and the perfection of His Lordship.

All growing bodies, which have innately been equipped with various members and systems to grow, begin to move in an ordered manner at the time of growth and are directed toward yielding fruits. As each of them testifies to the necessity of that All-Wise Maker's existence and points to His Unity, so also as a whole they demonstrate on a very large scale the comprehensiveness of His Power, the inclusiveness of His Wisdom, the beauty of His Art, and the perfection of His Lordship. Also, to establish in animal bodies their souls and spirits with perfect wisdom, and to equip them with various systems with perfect order, and to mobilize them for various services and purposes with perfect wisdom-all this bears witness and points to the necessity of that All-Wise Maker's existence and His Unity to the number of animals or even of their members and systems. Collectively, all those acts show His Mercy and the perfection of His Lordship in a most brilliant way.

All Divine inspirations coming to man to instruct him in all kinds of knowledge and truths, and to animals to teach them how to procure their needs, suggest the existence of a Most Compassionate Lord and point to His Lordship, Also, like the rays of light coming forth from the eye and collecting all visible objects into it, all the external and inner senses function each as a key to a different world. This too demonstrates, as brightly as the sun, the necessity of the existence of that All-Wise Maker, the All-Knowing Originator, the Most Compassionate Creator, the All-Munificent Provider, and His Unity and the perfection of His Lordship,

Thus, the huge window consisting of twelve openings in twelve places shows through a light of truth of twelve colours the Oneness and Singleness of Almighty God and the perfection of His Lordship.

So, O unbeliever! How can you close that window which is as wide as the face of the earth or even as its orbit around the sun? How can you extinguish that source of light which is as bright as the sun? What veil of heedlessness can you hide it behind?
